Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Friday, October 31, 2008

Yarrr! 'Tis Halloween!

Happy Halloween sea dogs an' land lubbers! This mornin' I conquered this pumpkin t' be havin' as me own. That`s what Shipmates do ye know, conquer things.

norman is a pirate for halloween

Hootie be goin' t' Halloween as a Princess.

norman is a pirate for halloween

I conquered th' lass' too!

norman is a pirate for halloween

I canna wait fer th' trick or treaters t' get here. I be totally gonna steal the'r booty!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumping Snow

The last phase in becoming a Body Pump instructor involves Woman submitting a tape to Les Mills of herself teaching an entire Body Pump class. This tape will be critiqued, and if the evaluator decides Woman is good enough, she will become a certified instructor. Woman filmed her 3rd tape last night, and she is happy with the results, so now she will pay $40 and submit for final critique! Woman is pretty stoked.

And ... some more good news on the Body Pump front - Woman has her own class starting Monday! She will be teaching a Monday night class at 5:30pm at the gym right by our house. Woman is pretty happy about this!

Did I mention that it is snowing right now? Snow. In October. Or as Woman calls it - Oc-freaking-tober. Woman is not stoked about the snow.

snowing in october in asheville

Can you see it? Can you see the snow? Unbelievable.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mr. Chris Comes to Asheville

Mr. Chris and his family were in Asheville this past weekend for Allison's wedding! Wasn't it nice of them to drive up from Atlanta to celebrate with us? Not that I did much celebrating. I wasn't even invited to the wedding! Poop on them...

Woman had been telling me all weekend that Mr. Chris was going to visit us on Sunday, but I didn't believe her. Actually, I didn't even remember who Mr. Chris is when she was saying these things. I haven't seen him in over a year, and I'm getting old, so if it's not in front of my face daily, I forget about it pretty quickly.

On Sunday morning, I heard a car pull into the driveway. I looked out the window and saw a silver minivan. I don't know anyone who drives a minivan, so I waited patiently to see who emerged from the gargantuan vehicle.

norman at the door

A bunch of people unloaded from the car, including Mr. Chris!! He was holding a video camera, but I still recognized him. Oh, that's the Mr. Chris Woman was talking about! I remember him now!

norman spots chris at the door

I pretty much puggled the heck out of him, just like old times!

chris and norman making out

I introduced him to Hootie. I think they got along pretty well.

norman with chris and hootie

His whole family got involved in rubbing on me. Eight hands = the awesome.

sheppard family petting norman

I particularly like the Noah boy and Madison girl.

norman puggling noah and madison

And I really like the Elise Woman.

norman with elise

They all give great butt scratches. It was a good day. I wish Mr. Chris had taken me home with him, but he has three other dogs, and I don't share attention with anyone!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Allison's Wedding

Allison's wedding has finally come and gone. After many months of planning, the day was a great success, and the newly married couple is on their way to Mobile to depart for their honeymoon cruise.

The bride waiting patiently to walk down the aisle.

allison is a happy bride

The bride in my wedding eight years ago. Time sure does fly by!


A view of the bridesmaid's shoes.

the bridesmaids shoes

Whitney bustling Allison's dress. She's all up under there doing her thing!

allison with a big 'ole butt!

Charity finding her zen spot before the wedding. Charity was so funny all day - she was just excited to be in the wedding, saying it was the most dressed up she'd ever been.

charity meditates

The flower girl, Becca and her sister Laura were both in the wedding. They live in Mobile and drove up for the event.

laura and becca

Laura was the flower girl in my wedding when she was Becca's age! (She's the one in the middle.) Our two families have been friends for many, many years.


Becca tossed silk leaves as she walked down the aisle instead of flower petals. It was a fall wedding, so it was a nice touch.

becca's basket of leaves

The mother of the bride has her deep thought expression going on here!

debbi before the wedding

Me at the reception modeling my size 2 dress that made me look pregnant. Not that I'm bitter to have worn a dress that made me look pregnant. LOL! When I got home, I realized there was chocolate on my boob. I wonder how long it had been there!

tammy at the reception

Ian and I at the reception. It had been a long day.

ian and tammy at the reception

Chris and I at the reception making our "model faces". I don't think either of us should quit our day jobs. Like my Irish walking cape? I got it last year for Christmas, and this is the first time I have worn it.

tammy and chris posing

Ian and Trevor (Ian's brother for those of you who missed that trivia question) having a good old time at the wedding.

trevor and ian at the reception

Trevor was the ring bearer in our wedding eight years ago (far right). He has definitely grown since then!


It was a fun, exciting and stressful day, filled with many emotions and not lacking in tears. It's weird to send someone you have known from such a young age down the aisle, but everyone has to grow up eventually, I guess!

You can view the rest of the photos I took that day here.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Woman Needs Some New Clothes

Last year's Blogger Meet Up.

group at pizza

This year's Blogger Meet up.

blogger group at dinner saturday night

I think Woman needs some new clothes!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Met Two New Bloggers

Check it out people. I met two new bloggers this weekend! Allison and Pam drove all the way from Knoxville just to scratch my butt!

allison and pam with Norman

They both give some pretty good scratchings!

allison and pam with Norman

After I got bored of them scratching my butt, they left and took Woman with them. Apparently some of the bloggers met up in Raleigh, and I of course was not invited. It's the story of my life. Never invited.

They stayed at the Residence Inn Marriott in Raleigh, NC.

residence inn marriott sign

On Friday, everyone met at Girlville's house for chili and cupcakes. From what I hear, Girlville is quite the homemaker. She looks very Martha Stewart-ish here, wouldn't you say?


Everyone had fun except me. I was at home alone. Look how sad everyone looks in this photo because I'm not there.


On Saturday morning, the bloggers went to Trader Joe's and then to Logan's one stop garden shop for lunch.

logan's one stop garden shop

Woman saw lots of pretty things she wanted to buy, but somehow managed to control her impulses.

mums at logan's

The store is located in an old train station and offers sandwiches from a cute little lunchery. As you can see, Woman did end up buying a pot.

blogger group at logan's in raleigh

Later, the bloggers went to downtown Raleigh where they toured the capitol building. They had to be really quiet, because the governor works in the building! You can imagine Punchy had trouble with that - LOL!

bloggers go to the capitol!

They saw window cleaners high atop a building, and Punchy decided it was her new calling in life to become a skyscraper window cleaner. She loves heights don't you know ... That's why she lives so far up North, because it's high up there.

window cleaners in downtown raleigh

Punchy educated everyone about trees. Well, I guess that's what she's doing.

debbie educating the group on trees

The bloggers had dinner at a nice restaurant downtown that night.

blogger group at dinner saturday night

Girlville's husband joined the group.

chris at dinner

Woman had a pear salad ...

delicious pear salad from 518 in raleigh

And split a pizza with AM.

delicious pizza from 518 in raleigh

AM had a beer.

chalica drinking a beer

Punchy was not impressed.

debbie not impressed with chalica drinking a beer

The rest of the night was spent laughing and talking and watching the Princess Diaries, which Woman said really sucks. That night Ian and I went to Nate's house, and I pooped on his floor twice. That's right - twice.

The group was sad on Sunday morning when it was time to leave, but everyone was tired and ready to get home.

blogger group

Swampgirl dropped her mom off in Curnersville and headed home to Alabama.

Jerry and lynn

AM and Jackson headed back to South Carolina.

chalica and jackson sunday morning

Pam and
Allison headed back west to Tennessee and were kind enough to drop Woman off in Asheville along the way.

pam, allison and tammy

Punchy and C were lucky bums and got to stay one more night with Girlville.

courtney and debbie

Woman brought some gifts back with her too. There were none for me, but I'll blog about them anyway.

Punchy gave Woman these lovely decorative ceramic balls for the candelabra. They match perfectly. I was sad that Punchy didn't come to my house this year.

gift from Debbie

Swampgirl made this cute Pug Christmas ornament.

gift from Lynn

Girlville gave out these nice soaps (I guess the blogger Women smell bad), and although Ragus Pug could not make it to the meet up this year, she sent these cute little tins filled with candy corn for the ladies.

gifts from Kristie and Sandy

Another fun meet up that I missed! At least I did get to meet some bloggers and poop on Nate's floor. It was a good weekend.

You can check out more photos if you want.