Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Friday, July 30, 2010


Woman told me I need to be nicer to Monty, that he's a real dog too, and that I treat him very badly. She says I make him bark by instigating him, and that I get him in trouble. She says I have been a very bad host and need to straighten up. I said to her, "Who is this Monty thing of which you speak?" She had nothing else to say.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More Dogsitting!

We are dogsitting Monty for almost 2 weeks! That's a long time for me to try to keep ignoring him. Woman says I am a "breedist" because I only like Pugs. I remind her that I like her, and she's not a Pug, but she claims it's not the same thing. I don't know what she's talking about, but that's true of most of our conversations.

Here I am ignoring Monty. In my opinion, he doesn't exist.

Woman insists that he does exist and says this is the photographic evidence that proves she is correct. I think she photochopped this picture, because I do not recall anyone named, "Monty" being in it.

In other news, Woman is finally on facebook - (look her up). Can you believe it? She also has a new website for her fitness business and a facebook page for her fitness business. It's crazy. You should totally go become a fan of her fitness page, because she posts daily tips for fitness and nutrition. She claims they are very useful for healthy living.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Babysitting Squeaker Toys

For some odd reason, we kept the neighbor's squeaker toys at our house while their humans were on vacation. I can't imagine people having such an attachment to their squeaker toys that they would employ neighbors to watch them. Weird.

This is squeaker toy #1, Mimi.

And squeaker toy #2, Peppy.

Woman said I should really like these squeaker toys, because they are Pom-a-Poos, part Pomeranian, part Poodle. My late best friend Chew Bear was a Pomeranian, so Woman thought I should be "friends" with these squeakers. That's just ridiculous though - they're squeaker toys! I'm not friends with toys...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hot Dog

It has been really really hot here lately! The People took me on a walk the other day, and I got so hot I had to put my head in the freezer.

I did not get a taste of that scherbert in case you're wondering. It looked pretty freezer burned anyway.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Five Pugs

Have you ever heard of that burger joint, "Five Guys"? Woman says it's pretty good, so I decided to recreate the experience with Five Pugs instead. Pugsley and June Bug have two pug house guests for the next two weeks, and I'm going to drop in tomorrow to fulfill my Five Pugs fantasy. I'll post photos for sure! Hopefully there will be burgers too.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Biltmore Wine Label Contest

Ian has been chosen as one of the 5 finalists for the 2010 Christmas at Biltmore wine label contest! The good news is that you don't need to log in or provide your email address to vote. It took you longer to read this post than it will to vote!

So, please vote for Ian's design , "Christmas Tree Gathering". It was created using scratch board and will be printed on navy paper with pearl ink.

Thanks in advance!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Brick by Brick

Ian has a new submission over at Threadless. Check it out!

"A tribute to one of my favorite artists (MC Escher), using one of my favorite mediums."

Brick by Brick - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Give the link a click. Give the design some love. Earn the Pug a treat!!
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