Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


norman barking outside

I'm roo-rooing over here to let you know that Ian has a new t-shirt for sale on his website perfect for anyone who has ever loved any video game.

As you can see, I got to help with the product shots ...

"choose your weapon" product shot

I was his inspiration for yelling at the TV!

Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST Party

Yesterday was Ian's birthday and the LOST finale, so the people combined the two historic events into one giant party! Everyone was encouraged to dress up as their favorite characters!

Trevor as the smoke monster.

trevor as the smoke monster

Whitney as "post explosion" Juliet.

whitney as "post explosion juliet"

Kari as Hurley.

kari as hurley

Bill as Jack.

bill as jack

Ian and Woman as Richard and Ellie.

ian and tammy as richard and eloise

There was plenty of Dharma issued beverage in the fridge.

dharma beer

And wild boar and island fruits for dinner! The People seemed to have fun, but I was kind of bored. Man, I'm glad this show is over.

norman napping outside

... And then the Looting Began

The People were really ticked off at the television last night and contemplated a looting spree to show their disapproval of the LOST ending. Anyone else go looting last night? Get anything good?

Friday, May 21, 2010


I am a stinky Pug this morning. I was helping Woman garden in the rain at 7am and got all wet and muddy! She kept trying to get me to go into the house where it is dry, but I just love gardening way too much! Besides, you never know when those tomato plants are going to start dropping fruit, and I have to be ready.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Guard Dog

Woman didn't want me to leave "Poophenge" up for viewing all week while she's on vacation, so I set up this entry last Friday to post today.

This is me keeping watch over my kingdom.

norman guards the yard

I have to be sure that free-range neighbor dog Frankie doesn't step paw onto our lawn. He's a chihuahua, and while he might be little, he is trouble! I don't want him hanging out on my lawn, that's for sure. I wonder who's watching the lawn while I'm at Pugsley's? We better take a walk over there and make sure everything's ok!

Check out that back fat.

norman guards the yard

Woman says I'm a guard dog, so I must get donuts for my trouble!

Friday, May 07, 2010


I recently starting dabbling a bit in art, and since I have a readily available supply of 100% organic clay-type material, I decided to give sculpture a shot.

Behold, Poophenge.


That's right. It's poop. It's my art, so don't judge - I'm very serious about my art.

In case you're wondering, this is the scene Woman came home to one day last week. She didn't set up the poops to look like that - that would be gross. I set them up for her!! It was all part of her birthday present from me. I'm very thoughtful like that. She flushed it down the toilet though. Some people just don't appreciate art.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


The People are going to Disneyworld next week, which means I get to stay with Pugsley ALL WEEK! Woo-hoo! Woman is glad to see that there is a 0% chance of rain most days in Orlando since they were so painfully rained out last year. We don't like to talk about it around here ...
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