Happy Birthday to Me!
I'm 11! Woman is making a really big deal about it, of course, but I don't feel any older today than I felt yesterday. Well, maybe my hips hurt a little more, but that's probably because I've been super busy today.
The morning started out with a special breakfast of turducken canned Pug food. Have you ever had this stuff? It looks like vomit and tastes even better! I give it two paws up for sure.
The day continued with our traditional photo shoot in front of my special birthday forsythia bush. It bloomed really early this year, so it's not as vibrant as previous years, but I guess I'm not as vibrant either. Do you see that gray in my beard?
Then we headed downtown for the annual trip to "3 Dog Bakery" and my birthday lunch. I picked out these yummy treats for me and Magic. It was really nice of me to let her share in my birthday festivities. I'm a good brother like that.
We ate at Chorizo this year. And by "we", I mean Woman and Ian ate at Chorizo while Magic and I watched. Woman did sneak me a little piece of her fish when Magic wasn't looking. It was pretty good, but not as good as turducken! No, the People did not get $5 margaritas!
Then we went for a little walk around the Grove Arcade building. I pooped in some grass. Woman would not let me photograph the poop, but it was a good one. It was a fun time, but I got worn out pretty quickly due to the bad arthritis in my hips, so we headed home.
I probably had 5 or 6 naps when Gammy came knocking on the door with more presents for me and some homemade treats! I shared the presents and the treats with Magic, because I was feeling generous today.
The day isn't over though. Woman said she has some presents for me too, and there's a half a can of turducken left on the counter, and a big piece of cake from "3 Dog Bakery"! I need to take a nap now so I can hang with Magic through the rest of the festivities - otherwise, she's gonna get all the good stuff!
The morning started out with a special breakfast of turducken canned Pug food. Have you ever had this stuff? It looks like vomit and tastes even better! I give it two paws up for sure.
The day continued with our traditional photo shoot in front of my special birthday forsythia bush. It bloomed really early this year, so it's not as vibrant as previous years, but I guess I'm not as vibrant either. Do you see that gray in my beard?

I probably had 5 or 6 naps when Gammy came knocking on the door with more presents for me and some homemade treats! I shared the presents and the treats with Magic, because I was feeling generous today.