Licky Licky Barf Barf
I had a rough night last night. First, I couldn't get to sleep, because I kept needing to lick myself, and second, I couldn't stay asleep, because I barfed. Woman and Ian get so annoyed at me when I am licking myself at night, but I can't help it. It's a compulsion. I think I need therapy. I'm not sure why I barfed. Woman had to get out of bed and clean it up. She was none too happy with me, but she still put me back in bed and rubbed my belly for a little while to help me feel better. I did feel better after that, but then I started licking again! At that point, Ian had had enough and got out of bed, which caused Woman to get out of bed too. Of course I follow Woman wherever she goes, so I was up too. Needless to say, we had a very early morning this morning, and I still can't stop licking myself. I need help people! Professional help!
At 10:54 AM,
Punchbugpug said…
Oh Norman....we have the same trouble at our house. Marty licks himself constantly - ALL THE TIME, Chloe licks the pillows like a maniac, Zoey licks her front feet right before she goes to sleep, and Rosie, well she doesn't lick at all. It drives us crazy at night. Basically I force Chloe to stop by moving her to end of bed and practically holding her there. Then I hold Zoey so she can't lick her feet...and keep saying "stop Marty" until he falls asleep. Some nights are rough! Maybe we humans should research why you Pugs lick?????
At 11:44 AM,
Christine & Giggs said…
I'm so glad Giggs doesn't lick. He just insists on digging and rearranging his bed, but that doesn't last long. If I notice him licking his paws or legs, I give him a bath and then he stops.
I do notice how it's the women who seem to be cleaning up all the pug barf lately...
At 11:45 AM,
Clover said…
Uh oh... sorry you had a rough night, Norman. I hope you are feeling better now. It's always fun to wake up the humans before it's time for them to get up, isn't it? Mom read somewhere that obsessive licking is a symptom of allergies, which pugs are apparently prone to. Do you have any allergies?
Love Clover xo
At 12:11 PM,
Shannon said…
Ick- sorry you had a rough night Norman! Kiki likes to lick her paws, but me, mostly I just lick my mom and dad. It drives them nuts. Ha!
Hope you feel better!
At 12:42 PM,
Page said…
Yes, Winston has been licking his paws like CRAZY drives me batty. And Sela has a thing about licking pillows. Luckily, they are pretty good about not doing it at night, but with this time change they think it's much later than normal and pop out of bed at 5 a.m. Good times!
At 2:14 PM,
kristie said…
norman, are you and my cat sophie very distantly related? cause she is in a BIG licking herself phase and she particularly likes to wait til everyone is in bed and it's really really quite...then she starts in and it wakes us humans up. she really needs professional fact we were taking her to the vet yesterday but she must have gotten word of it cause she stoppped lickig for 2 days straight so we gave her a reprieve and cancelled her appt...then last nite she started back.
At 4:10 PM,
Frances Louise said…
That's odd because I lick myself all the time too! And the pillows as well. It drives Daddy crazy so he moves me to the end of the bed.
I am sorry you barfed. Hope you feel better.
At 12:17 AM,
Sandy said…
Looks like you and The Woman may have to retreat to the couch together!
At 8:21 PM,
Kara (Turskey) Vaught said…
Whoa! Did I miss the post where Ian decided to allow you to be in the big bed? What happened?
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