I Can Hear Again!
The People held me down this morning and cleaned out my ears. It was unpleasant, but it kind of felt good in a weird sort of way. Woman squirted the stinky solution into my ears, then rubbed around inside with a paper towel to get all that brownish-red goo out of there. We use Viva paper towels, and they are the best for getting goo out of puggy ears. I get gross ears pretty frequently, and I have been rubbing them a lot lately, so Woman decided it was time to do something about it. She would like to clean my ears daily, but I'm not having that. I don't like that cold wet ear solution sloshing around in my ear drums all day! It makes a Pug crazy! And when I get crazy, I start licking! And no one wants that, especially Ian!
At 12:59 PM,
Duke and Gidget said…
I hate having that nasty stuff squirted in my ears. Fortunately, it doesn't happen to me too often. My brother Duke usually cleans out my ears with his tongue.
~Pug Hugs~
At 3:21 PM,
Winston said…
Hey Norman,
I am glad that you can hear again and I am now thinking that your hearing that the Woman "needs time apart" was probably a mishear due to the wax. I bet she said "we need some pop tarts!!!"
The Grand Duke
At 10:57 PM,
Tami said…
Okay, goopy ears are bad, but they do not beat anal gland juice. And I mean, stinkin' smelly, the vet runs out of the room anal juice.
At 9:33 AM,
Oscar said…
I hate it when people put stuff in my ears. THe only thing belongs there is my paw when I scratch at it. Glad to know you can hear again and that its better!
At 1:39 PM,
Kara (Turskey) Vaught said…
You know what works best for cleaning pug ears? Another puppy!
Kritter keeps everyone very clean, though they do not return the favor!
At 10:04 AM,
Sarah Nopp said…
What solution do you use?
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