Babie Coot
Frances Louis asked recently about a grayish blob in the corner of an old photo of Woman. I had to probe Woman to get some answers regarding said blob, and learned that it was one of her childhood dogs, Babie Coot. That's right. The dog's name was Babie Coot.
Behold ... the Coot.
First, this dog is obviously not a Pug, but rather a Miniature Schnauzer. As you can see, it has a snout - strike one. Also, it has a dumb name - strike two. The final blow comes by way of Woman holding this dog in a loving manner - strike three. Woman holds no dog but me! This Babie Coot thing has struck out! I don't really have much to worry about though since she's been over the rainbow bridge for many years now.
Here's a picture of the Babie Coot wearing a diaper. LOL! Also pictured is Woman's Poppy who passed away two years ago.
You are probably wondering how this dog earned such a strange name. Well, Woman tells me that her actual name was Sasha, but that her step-dad changed it to Babie, because she whined a lot when she was a puppy. And then Woman's nephew, Dalton, called Babie, "coot", trying to say "cute," but seeing as he was like 2 years old or something, his annunciation was not so great. Thus, Babie Coot was born...
Babie Coot was Woman's second Schnauzer, and she admits that she was not all that fond of her. Woman says Coot was really high-strung and not all that loyal or lovable. She also bit kids pretty regularly. Woman's first Schnauzer, Shotzie, was a much better dog. I'll try to dig up a photo of Shotzie to share with you.
Woman also had a cat at one time. Wanna see it?
Oh, Gag! Woman, how could you?? The cat's name was Stubby - she just had a nub of a tail. Pretty cruel name, eh? Hey - that's the same t-shirt from the first photo, but different hair color. I think Woman tends to hold onto clothes longer than she should.
That's Woman's Mom in case you're wondering, and the grey blob on the left side is Babie Coot, on the lap of the step-dad person who has been cut out of all photos for reasons beyond the scope of this blog. Aren't old photos fun??
Behold ... the Coot.
First, this dog is obviously not a Pug, but rather a Miniature Schnauzer. As you can see, it has a snout - strike one. Also, it has a dumb name - strike two. The final blow comes by way of Woman holding this dog in a loving manner - strike three. Woman holds no dog but me! This Babie Coot thing has struck out! I don't really have much to worry about though since she's been over the rainbow bridge for many years now.
Here's a picture of the Babie Coot wearing a diaper. LOL! Also pictured is Woman's Poppy who passed away two years ago.
You are probably wondering how this dog earned such a strange name. Well, Woman tells me that her actual name was Sasha, but that her step-dad changed it to Babie, because she whined a lot when she was a puppy. And then Woman's nephew, Dalton, called Babie, "coot", trying to say "cute," but seeing as he was like 2 years old or something, his annunciation was not so great. Thus, Babie Coot was born...
Babie Coot was Woman's second Schnauzer, and she admits that she was not all that fond of her. Woman says Coot was really high-strung and not all that loyal or lovable. She also bit kids pretty regularly. Woman's first Schnauzer, Shotzie, was a much better dog. I'll try to dig up a photo of Shotzie to share with you.
Woman also had a cat at one time. Wanna see it?
Oh, Gag! Woman, how could you?? The cat's name was Stubby - she just had a nub of a tail. Pretty cruel name, eh? Hey - that's the same t-shirt from the first photo, but different hair color. I think Woman tends to hold onto clothes longer than she should.
That's Woman's Mom in case you're wondering, and the grey blob on the left side is Babie Coot, on the lap of the step-dad person who has been cut out of all photos for reasons beyond the scope of this blog. Aren't old photos fun??
At 4:31 PM, Eduardo said…
Wow Norman! I like your name waaaay better! Plus I think your soooo much cooler, being I'm half pug! Thanks for sharing the old photos!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
At 5:20 PM, Unknown said…
hahaha - we love everything about this blog; from the pictures of old dogs, to the fantastic hair styles, to the blase commentary on the wonders of photo cropping. Your woman is one fantastic chica, Norman.
At 6:07 PM, The Devil Dog said…
Norman, Woman does not look like she is holding onto Babie Coot in a loving fashion, she is holding on to Babie Coot so she doesn't run away!
At 11:12 PM, Leah said…
I love these pics!!
We started the new Body Pump tracks in our class last weekend--there are some pretty awesome new moves!! I just love the class!!
At 11:28 PM, Swampgirl said…
Don't worry Schnauzers can't hold a candle next to the personality of a Pug! I would never have owned a dog after being around some bad tempered Schnauzers. But then I fell in love with the wonders of a Pug, clearly a superior dog!
At 12:34 PM, Nevis said…
LOVE the photos! :)
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