Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tacky Christmas

It has become a Christmas Eve tradition for us to partake of fondu with Bill and Kari and their family. This year the theme of Christmas Eve was "Tacky Christmas." Although the People did not get this memo and therefore did not dress up tackily, at least not on purpose. Let's check out some of the tacky action.

Oh Kari - that vest and necklace are the bomb, but I have to say the giant red bow really completes the outfit. Nice job!

kari with a present from lauren

Lauren's elf socks have got it going on, and Ameaka looks fab in his redneck Christmas attire. Santa will never see him spying in his camo shirt and pants.

lauren and ameaka christmas eve

Sarah's leopard cuffs and big white bow are simply fabulous!

sarah opening a present

But the winner of the Tacky Christmas grand prize goes to Matt for his righteous snowman vest and skin tight white turtle neck! Woot!

matt wins the tacky christmas grand prize

Woman was sad that she did not get photos of everyone's tackiness, because it was pretty awesome. The evening was, however, missing big hair and stretch pants, which Woman would have brought to the table had she known about the contest. Here is proof that Woman has experience in these areas and will school you if given the chance. I give you Christmas Nineteen Ninety Something!

tammy-with-icky-baby '92

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you're all dressed tacky, but not as tacky as Woman was back in the day!!


  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Page said…

    Do children really make your hair that poofy??

    But, oooohhh, the couch. Now THAT would go great in my living room!

  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger kristie said…

    oh how i would love to see you make your hair that big again!!!!

  • At 11:01 AM, Blogger Goodboy Norman Featherstone said…

    That couch is still in my Grandma's living room. It's stylin'.

  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger Sandy said…

    Hey, that hair followed you out of the '80s!! That's why I never get a perm anymore. I love the way you are holding onto the baby!

  • At 9:06 PM, Blogger The Devil Dog said…

    Okay, wow, that is certainly some good tacky there. Gotta love that sweater! And the big hair? WOW~


  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger Magnolia Sun said…

    That is some BIG hair, I had a perm in my hair through the 80's - no way would I do it again.

  • At 11:20 PM, Blogger Par said…

    Pearly and I wish your family, friends and you a sweet 2009!

  • At 8:16 PM, Blogger Tami said…

    I love that big hair :)

  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger AM said…

    I dare you to do that again with your hair... :)

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Goodboy Norman Featherstone said…

    I'll take the physical challenge AM.


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