Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Friday, September 15, 2006


I'm not sure where Ohio is, but we're going there this weekend. The Woman's Grandpa is very ill, and she needs to visit him. The People tried to find a housesitter to watch me, but no one was available, so I get to go on a road trip. I don't mind riding in the car, because they drug me up real good, so I don't really know what's happening until we get there. I'm not sure when we're coming back, so I'll post when I post ...


  • At 1:41 AM, Blogger Sandy said…

    I hope your woman's grandpa will get better. Glad you are able to go with them but I wish you could come stay with us....we could teach you some really bad habits while you stay with us.

  • At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope the woman's grandfather is doing better.

  • At 9:15 AM, Blogger Punchbugpug said…

    Ahhh, Norman, hope your great-grandpa is doing better and hope you were a "good boy Norman" on your car ride and visiting!

  • At 3:39 PM, Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said…

    I hope your trip is going well and the Grandpa isn't in pain!


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