Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Monday, December 18, 2006

Weekend Happenings

We had a lot of fun this weekend. The Woman baked lots of cookies and wrapped lots of presents. There are some presents for me under the tree now! I keep sniffing at them, but the Woman says I can't have them until Christmas. There is also a present for the girly-cousins, Rose and Ginger, and I want it SO BAD. It's a purple dinosaur toy. I can't wait for them to open it so I can steal it! OK, I'll give it back eventually. I just want to play with it a little.

On Saturday, the People put up some Christmas lights on the outside of the house so we don't look like Scrooges. Everyone else on the cul-de-sac has lots of festive lights on their houses, and our house was looking rather bare. The Woman also had to do some "rose maintenance" because we have not got enough rain this past month. I'm forbidden from helping with "rose maintenance," so I just watched.

We went for a walk yesterday, because it was so nice out. I got to poo in my favorite monkey grass! I love monkey grass! I also got my first Christmas present of the season yesterday from our neighbor dog, Murphy. It's a black t-shirt that says "STUD" in rhinestones. Do you think he thinks I'm a gay dog? I don't know, but it's a pretty cool shirt! Murphy and his baby Sarah came over to our house to give me the present, and I got to puggle her real good. She's so cute!

Next weekend is Christmas weekend! I am WAY excited!


  • At 6:05 PM, Blogger Duke and Gidget said…

    Sounds like you had a really fun weekend Norman. We can't wait to see you in your "STUD" shirt. And there's no way Murphy could ever think you are a gay dog. He obviously just thinks you are a studly dog!

  • At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh Norman, don't you worry about that purple dinosaur. I am sure you will be getting presents meant just for you.

  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger ♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said…

    Monkey Grass? I must be out of the loop! What is Monkey Grass???LOL


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