Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas Review

The Christmas tree dropped some pretty good gifts for me this year.

My favorite present is this Hootie Owl toy. It has these great yellow feet and a beak that I like to suck on, and the texture of the fur is soooo soft. It is just like kitty fur, and I love kitties! If anyone else out there likes to lick on kitties, but you have trouble getting the kitty to sit still for the licking, this toy is for you! Here's a link to it since I have puggled the heck out of it, and it doesn't look much like it did new. It's pretty durable, and I think it will be around for a good long while.

I also got two new shirts, both black with rhinestones.

Murphy got me this cool STUD shirt. It has long sleeves, which is nice to have in a shirt since my legs do get pretty cold.

The Woman got me this Rock Star wife beater shirt. I really don't like to wear it, and I try to take it off by rubbing myself all over everything in the house. I have never been able to get it off, and I eventually collapse on the floor and stare up at the Woman pitifully until she finally takes it off. I know I look pretty awesome in it, but it just feels weird. And besides, I have no wife to beat, and the People won't let me near their guitars, so what's the point?

I also got some treats and a bone that I don't chew on, because it's too heavy for me to pick up.

Christmas is super great! Thanks Christmas tree for all the gifts!

The Woman knitted the cute Baby Sarah from across the street a little peacoat jacket thing. Isn't she a cutie? She's working on the matching hat, but has lost momentum, whatever that means.


  • At 1:42 PM, Blogger Manda Girl said…

    Looking good stud!

  • At 1:56 PM, Blogger Sandy said…

    You look handsome in your new sparkling shirts. That little coat your friend has on is too cute...your Woman does good knitting work!

  • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Punchbugpug said…

    Norman your looking very handsome in your new shirts! Marty is jealous, he got a pullover and new fishing vest, but he really wants a wife beater. I think maybe mom will steal one from our human brother's stuff he left when he moved!

  • At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OH MY GOODNESS. Baby Sarah is SO CUTE. And you did an amazing job on that peacoat!! Wow. I am really impressed. (And by "you", I mean The Woman, so please send her my regards).

  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said…

    Oh wow that woman of yours just has talent coming out her ears!
    You looks great in your shirts - Kritter does the rubbing thing when he has to wear the Puppia harness. It is pretty pitiful, but also really cute, so it the harness doesn't always get taken off right away.

  • At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas too Norman. I love watching puggies get spoiled like mine are. I may just have to check into the owl toy for Bandit. He is a sucker type pug too.

  • At 2:33 PM, Blogger ♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said…

    Wow..your woman can knit me a sweater! How talented is she???
    Norman I Love the Stud shirt...very is the Rockstar. Looks like you had a fun filled Christmas!

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Norman you look HOT is your stud t-shirt! What a great gift!


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