Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sleepy Time Bear Dog in the Rock Garden

The Woman decided that I needed to post a new picture of myself today, because I haven't posted any pics in a while now. I was too tired to do a photo shoot, but she insisted, so I reluctantly agreed. You can tell by the picture that I wasn't really up for it. I need my beauty sleep. How do you think I maintain these gorgeous wrinkles? Certainly not by staying awake for more than 4 hours a day, that's for sure!

So anyway, here I am beside the Woman's rock garden. She really enjoys her rock garden. It was one of her first gardening endeavors in the new house, and it is overflowing with various succulents and "hens and chicks." She got some new "hens and chicks" from her Grandpa's house when we were up in Ohio. Those are her favorite plants in the rock garden now. Her Grandpa always used to give everyone who came to the house a box full of "hens and chicks" and was so proud of them. She is glad to have got some of them too.

I'm not really sure how this can be called a rock garden though. I mean, I see some rocks in it, but it's mostly plants. Shouldn't a rock garden be all rocks? I know rocks don't actually grow or anything, so you can't really "garden" rocks, but you can have a Zen garden made of just sand, so I guess you can make anything into a garden. I bet the Woman would love to have a Pug garden. Ian wouldn't be having it though, I'm sure.


  • At 8:09 PM, Blogger Leah said…

    You are very handsome, even when you are a sleepy pug. Enjoy the rock garden!

  • At 1:36 AM, Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said…

    What are hens and chicks?
    Good photo - you are even cute when you are tired!

  • At 6:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well you may not of been in the mood for a picture, but it is still a cute one of you anyhow.

    I have chicks and hens too. I love to perennial garden. I am going to have to move them from their spot because they are going to over take my hosta. I may just have to try a rock garden though next Spring. I have he perfect spot for it I think.

  • At 12:05 AM, Blogger Sandy said…

    Goodboy Norman, does your mama bring rocks home from places you all go? Some folks will do that. You are looking fit and trim in your picture and just a little bit tired. Hope you got a good nap later on.


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