Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cold and Wet

It has been raining here for two days now, and since I cannot get my royal paws dirty by sloshing around outside in the mud, I have to pee reeeeaaaaal bad. I seriously hope this rain passes quickly, because I'm not sure how much longer I can hold it in.

It's also been really cold outside, and inside too, because the People have not yet turned on the heater. I snuck up on the bed with the Woman last night and the night before, but got put back in my own bed when she woke up during the night. Bummer. She was so snuggly and warm. Ian doesn't allow me on the bed, and the Woman tries to respect that rule since she lets me break every other rule of the house that Ian has set. The Woman likes sleeping with me too though, and when Ian is not at home, we get to snuggle in the bed together all night. It's pretty much awesome.

I have to go to the Vet tomorrow morning to have my latest lump cut off. I have had it for two months now, and when the Woman first found it, it was just the size of a pinhead. At that time, the Vet didn't want to remove it but advised us to just watch it. You might remember me blogging about it back in August. We have been watching it, and it has grown a little bit more and is now the size of ... well ... I'm looking around for something to compare it to, but just can't find anything. It's still not very big, but since it is growing, the Woman wants to have it removed. It's in a tricky spot on my body though - it's on my shoulder right above the crease where my shoulder and front right leg meet. The Woman has not been anxious to have it removed for several reasons. First, she is afraid it will not heal easily since the wound will be constantly in motion with me walking and all. Second, she does not want to put me back under anesthesia, because she thinks my heartbeat was too faint and irregular after my last surgery. And finally, she is afraid I will have a big scar there and have to explain to everyone we meet why I have a scar. For some reason, whenever the Woman tells someone about my cancer, they feel the need to relay a story about a dead or dying dog that they know who has cancer. It is really not helpful to the Woman's state of mind to hear such stories, and she would rather my wounds are hidden so she doesn't have to talk about it to everyone we meet on the street or in the store.

So anyway, wish me luck at the Vet tomorrow. The Woman's hopes that it is not a MCT have been dashed since it has changed size over the past couple months, but please be praying for another Grade 1 tumor. I'll chat with you all on Thursday probably.


  • At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good Luck at the Vet's office. We'll be thinking about you!

    You should come stay with us for a few days during this rainy time. Alfred can show you how he learned to pee off the side of the front porch so he doesnt get rained on.

  • At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dude, I know what you mean about not getting your tootsies wet. I don't like rain either. Can't these people understand that our paws are sacred, and not to be soaked?

    Speaking of paws, I'll keep mine crossed for you that all goes well at the vet and he comes back with a low grade on that lump.

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger Punchbugpug said…

    Thinking about you!

  • At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keeping you in my well puggy thoughts and prayers Norman.


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