Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Tagged by the Devil Dog

Well, I got tagged by The Devil Dog to do a Meme . I cannot resist a tag by such a cool character, so here goes.

Thirteen Things about Woman's Desktop


1 - I am embarrassed to say that Woman has a picture of a Frenchie named Bridget on her desktop. She has never even met this Bridget dog, but found her on dogster. This has been her desktop picture for over three years. I think she might be stalking this dog.

2 - Previous images that have occupied Woman's desktop include a Pug in a pumpkin costume, a Shar Pei in a panda costume, and a cartoon-version of Woman, Ian and Mr. Chris as Southpark characters.

3 - I don't think a picture of me has ever occupied her desktop.

4 - I don't think a "real" picture of Ian has ever occupied her desktop either. Now I don't feel so bad.

5 - Woman's desktop is quite cluttered. See all those nasty icons? Yeah - she's a messy person.

6 - Woman likes to add folders to her desktop. About once a month she merges all the new folders into the misc folder in an effort to clean up the desktop. Her misc folder is pretty friggin' full.

7 - The resolution is 1024 x 768. I don't know what this means, but she has heard complaints that the fonts and things are too big on her computer.

8 - Woman does not use an external monitor, but uses her laptop monitor. She likes the resolution. She also likes the keyboard on her laptop as opposed to her loud-clicking external keyboard.

9 - The color scheme is "Windows Standard." I guess she's pretty boring.

10 - The windows and buttons are set to "Windows Classic Style." Woman is a classic I guess.

11 - The color quality is 32-bit. I'm sure you are excited to know that.

12 - The screensaver is set to blank. No fancy lasers or pretty scenery for my Woman!

13 - It takes 60 minutes of inactivity for the screensaver to appear.

Was that enlightening? Did you learn something about Woman?

I tag rpm, Willow Belle and Turbo's Mom, and lmizzle.


  • At 11:18 AM, Blogger Clover said…

    Hi Norman,
    Wow, I can't believe the woman doesn't have a picture of you on her desktop. She must have a bunch of pictures of you in her wallet and maybe in some frames on her desk.... hey, wait.... my mom doesn't have me on her desktop OR in a frame on the desk, either! I'm going to sort this out...
    Love Clover xo

  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger L said…

    Woo! I will do this tonight!

  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger The Devil Dog said…

    Hi Norman. You called me a .. gasp cool character.. gasp, oh my, such a wonderful compliment, don't know if I can take it.


    Mom likes Woman's answers. Mom wonders if Woman would like mom's kitchen with 40" flowers on the cabinets.

  • At 4:55 PM, Blogger ♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said…

    Oh Boy I am Tagged! Ok I will do this in a little bit!

  • At 12:10 AM, Blogger Christine & Giggs said…

    Norman! We just saw that you are the 'Pug-of-the-Day' for October 5th!

    We already voted for you :)


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