The Big Bed
I have been sleeping in the big bed for the last 4 nights, because Ian has been out of town in San Diego. All the fun ended last night though when Woman left at 10:30pm to pick him up at the airport. Yes, I should be distraught about this, because it has been my lifelong dream to get into the big bed, but actually, I'm glad to be back in my own bed. Woman is a tosser and turner in the bed! She woke me up like 10 times to "move" me out of the way, or to roll over. I couldn't get any sleep at all with her rolling around like some sort of steamroller. I'll steamroll you, eh! So anyway, I'm back on the floor, and Ian is back home. Everything is as it should be.
I will miss laying on top of Woman while she reads in bed though. Those were some good times. Woman is really scared of being home alone at night, so I laid on top of her to protect her. Actually, I was scared too, and I wanted to be as close as possible to her so she could protect me, but I'm claiming it was the other way around. I don't want my reputation to get tainted... So don't tell anyone!
Woman has finished two of the pay it forward gifts and will really be sending them out this week. She was going to send Christine's last week, but Ian took the digital camera to San Diego. Woman likes to photograph all her projects before giving them away.
I will miss laying on top of Woman while she reads in bed though. Those were some good times. Woman is really scared of being home alone at night, so I laid on top of her to protect her. Actually, I was scared too, and I wanted to be as close as possible to her so she could protect me, but I'm claiming it was the other way around. I don't want my reputation to get tainted... So don't tell anyone!
Woman has finished two of the pay it forward gifts and will really be sending them out this week. She was going to send Christine's last week, but Ian took the digital camera to San Diego. Woman likes to photograph all her projects before giving them away.
At 10:19 AM,
Page said…
Norman, I think it is very dignified of you to step down and let Ian have the bed back. Does he know you sleep there when he's gone?
At 11:15 AM,
Sandy said…
Norman, I still think your Woman and Ian should buy a bigger bed so you can sleep in comfort. I can just imagine you and your Woman being scared together. What a sight.
At 12:29 PM,
Michelle said…
Norman, it is very noble of you to protect your woman (or at least look the part) when Ian is away.
PS. Our puggies are big bed hogs too. Even when just one of us is in the bed, Napoleon likes to sleep practically on top of us.
At 12:41 PM,
The Devil Dog said…
Norman, you are being a very good protector by sleeping on the Woman. Mom thinks it's funny, because when she goes to sleep, that's it. She wakes up in the morning, no muss no fuss, no matter where I am sleeping. She says now that she cannot sleep with a pug in the bed. As for the boy and Lucky, Lucky was in a four foot pen for the first 4-1/2 months of her life. The only time she got attention was when they fed her. She was going to be a show breeder, but luckily for her (no pun intended) she was partly deaf and they couldn't breed her.
Lucky craves the warmth of hugs and sleeping up against the boy. She is our champion pug hugger at pug meet-ups, and everyone who meets her, wants her. It's good that mom has her black belt and can say, "Give me my dog back." Plus, the boy really is good with her, he is 10, so he is past the riding and grabbing stage. But she is very gentle and very easy going.
At 2:52 PM,
Tami said…
Norman, you are very sweet for wanting to protect Woman. Will you ask her what book she is currently reading?
At 3:16 PM,
Goodboy Norman Featherstone said…
Page - Heck yeah he knows. I rub it in his face real good that I've been sleeping on his pillow!
Devil Dog - You are lucky to have such a good sleeping human to bunk with.
Tami - Woman was reading "Witches Abroad" by Terry Pratchett. She loves Terry Pratchett's Disc World books and reads them over and over.
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