McDonald's vs. Starbucks?
Weird title, yes? Now it's time for a rant! I don't rant often, so I thought I would start the week off with some spice! I know how many bloggers out there love their daily Starbucks fix, so I thought I would share this story I read. Apparently, McDonald's is installing coffee bars in their stores that will serve beverages "comparable" to popular Starbucks drinks. Well, at least they consider the beverages to be comparable.
This is funny to me on so many levels. First, how many people who eat at McDonald's also frequent Starbucks? I think they are going to have trouble "stealing" business from Starbucks, because most Starbucks fans don't really go for the Big Mac, do they? I would bet very few, but I hate McDonald's and can't imagine why anyone would want to eat there (sorry AM - I know you love your McD's biscuit and sweet tea). Second, will each latte come with a layer of grease floating on top, because everything in that place gets covered in grease eventually. And finally, the smell of McDonald's really kills the ambiance of a specialty coffee shop.
Please McDonald's, stick to what you do best - forcing parents to choke down your crappy food because their children want your shoddy toys that come in your Fatty Meals, I mean Happy Meals.
This is funny to me on so many levels. First, how many people who eat at McDonald's also frequent Starbucks? I think they are going to have trouble "stealing" business from Starbucks, because most Starbucks fans don't really go for the Big Mac, do they? I would bet very few, but I hate McDonald's and can't imagine why anyone would want to eat there (sorry AM - I know you love your McD's biscuit and sweet tea). Second, will each latte come with a layer of grease floating on top, because everything in that place gets covered in grease eventually. And finally, the smell of McDonald's really kills the ambiance of a specialty coffee shop.
Please McDonald's, stick to what you do best - forcing parents to choke down your crappy food because their children want your shoddy toys that come in your Fatty Meals, I mean Happy Meals.
At 3:51 PM,
AM said…
I take no offense, the sweet tea and biscuits are the only things I consume there.
I agree, it doesnt sound like they will steal business from starbucks at all.
At 4:11 PM,
Magnolia Sun said…
That is funny and I agree with you - don't see the two a like in anyway. I don't go to either place either.
At 4:14 PM,
Sandy said…
I can't stand the taste of coffee but I do like McDonald's fries...but I don't see why they need to make a coffee bar thingy there.
At 4:59 PM,
Page said…
I'm with ya!! The hubby actually decided to stop eating McD's in October 1999 and I joined him as well...haven't eaten a thing there since! It is so bad for you and yet can be so addicting...yet, we always felt like crap after eating no more! Plus, did you see Supersize Me?? 'Nuf said...
At 7:08 PM,
kristie said…
if you ever watched 'supersize me' you'd NEVER eat at mcdonalds again. ever. never. ever.
At 7:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
If I have $3.50 for a McSpresso, I think I'll spend it on a Quarter Pounder.
At 10:03 PM,
Frances Louise said…
LOL! You are a superb ranter Norman. Now my familly does not frequent either Starbucks (too expensive) or McDonalds (so unhealthy), but in fairness to McDonald's, they have the BEST french fries . . . My parents have been known to succumb to the evils of the McDonald's french fries, especially if they have been traveling to other parts of the world -- it kind of reminds them of home.
At 12:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Further proof that pugs are excellent food critics.
At 8:45 AM,
Tami said…
The smell IS horrific!! You are right about that. I would think it would cover up any good-smelling coffee!
I also agree with "girlville" about watching the movie Supersize Me. If you have a craving for Mickey D's, this movie will curb it ;)
At 9:21 AM,
Pam said…
Yeah, Supersize Me was crazy. I was amazed at the amount of trash they produce each day. Wasn't it enough to fill the Empire State Building or something. gah!
At 9:36 AM,
Oscar said…
I concur! I mean, my Mother concurs! She read that article a while back too. Here's the thing: McDonald's coffee actually ranks better than Starbucks according to surveys. I don't remember the order, but McDonalds is consistently rated the best coffee out there. Now, my Mom, she's a coffee snob. She will only take a certain amount of cream and sugar in her coffee and it depends upon the type or flavor of coffee she is drinking. OH and, she loves Starbucks and if she could afford it would drink Starbucks everyday. She's tasted McDonalds coffee before and wonders how it is consistently rated the best coffee out there. She may try the new latte bar, but it will never replace Starbucks coffee ever . For many starbuck drinkers it's about the experience of going into the store, ordering coffee and going back to the office with a cup of starbucks-that and drinking good coffee that not only gives you the much needed caffeine boost but warms your body and your soul ( that's what she feels about the seasonal pumpkin spice latte). Don't worry about McDonalds because people may buy the "cheap" lattes-they're not going to be that much cheaper than starbucks-but I'm sure their target audience is NOT those who frequent Starbucks. McDonalds may be successful with this, but Starbucks need not worry.
At 9:39 AM,
Oscar said…
Not to mention-can't stand the smell of McDonald's can't imagine what it's going to smell like after they add the coffee bar. Would I really want to buy coffee that smells like McDonalds?!
At 10:27 AM,
Lucy said…
I saw super size me and read fast food nation but I still enjoy the hell out of some McDonald's fries. Whenever Mickey D's does something like this outside of their specialty area they usually get their butts kicked, but they feel compelled to try to show "growth". It won't last long, it's like 7-11 selling sushi.
At 10:53 AM,
Goodboy Norman Featherstone said…
Oscar - considering the fact that most people drink cheap coffee like Folger's and Maxwell House, I am not surprised that McDonald's coffee rates higher than Starbucks. Woman made her family a pot of Starbucks coffee one time, and NONE of them could choke it down because it was too rich. They are all used to and prefer the cheapy stuff!
Lucy - 7-11 Sushi makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it! Woman worked at McDonald's in high school, and she thinks EVERYTHING, including the fries, from McDonald's is absolutely disgusting, not to mention what the grease is doing to your arteries. Gah. She does love fries though, but not McDonald's.
At 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I saw SuperSize me and I read Fast Food Nation but I still eat a Big Mac and the fries at least once a week and I love Starbucks coffee (latte, frapuccino, etc). But I will not mix the 2 together - I can't imagine having a Starbucks drink and a Big Mac at the same time. It's one or the other but not together...
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Finally! Coffee and processed cheese: TOGETHER AT LAST.
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
uh,I am sure for Starbuck "snobs",this is indeed a sacriledge (sp?). That being said, pretty much anywhere you eat or drink out has got some yucky things that go on that if you knew, you wouldn't eat/drink there. For me, you can keep the coffee all to yourself and I will enjoy my occ Mchardenmyarteries meal and then go home to my veggies/fruits ;) ps Happy New Year Norman!
At 4:35 PM,
Pedro said…
My Mom says "here here"- I think she liked what you had to say!
At 7:58 PM,
Jen and Suki said…
Mom says anyone who eats McDonald's a lot probably doesn't appreciate good food. She thinks a lot of average Americans really don't branch out much and prefer bland processed crap. So it makes sense they would prefer crap coffee to the good stuff.
At 10:19 AM,
Priscilla said…
When we travel we stop at McD. They always have clean bathrooms and fresh coffee (even if it's not so great) BH always gets a large soda. You know who has a good coffee drink? BK mocha Joe I think it's called. Over ice, it's pretty good.
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