A Rough Week
Last week was a pretty rough week around our house. It all started on Tuesday when the hot water heater decided to heat its last 40 gallons of water. The People had been expecting the unit to die sometime soon, since it is 28 years old, but last week was a pretty crappy time for it to happen.
Goodbye old hot water heater.

Dated - 1982. A lot of my non-pug readers are younger than that!!

It was a bad time to lose hot water, because Woman had to have surgery on Thursday, and running to the neighbor's house to shower after surgery is kind of a pain in the butt. But, that's what had to happen, because our new hot water heater wasn't installed until Sunday due to a seemingly endless number of problems encountered during installation. BTW - woman did not react well to the anesthesia or percoset and threw up a lot. She's feeling better now though.

And then Woman woke up on Monday to this:

A lot of water had somehow got trapped between the sub-flooring and hardwood floors. Nobody knows how it happened, but it obviously happened while the hot water heater was being installed. The floor boards were heaving from one end of the room to the other. Woman was a little frantic.

So Ian built a fire to bring down the humidity in the house, and we turned on the heater and space heater to try to soak up the water. The floors look better now, but they'll never be perfect. Many boards are still discolored, and heaved up on the edges and at the seams. The rug covers most of the damage, but I'm sure we'll need to replace the floorboards in this area at some point.
This week hasn't been so great for me either. We ran out of goodboy bones, and then Ian forgot to get new ones at the store. Thank pugness we had some left over from a batch Priscilla sent me for Christmas! They're candy coated!!
Goodbye old hot water heater.

Dated - 1982. A lot of my non-pug readers are younger than that!!

It was a bad time to lose hot water, because Woman had to have surgery on Thursday, and running to the neighbor's house to shower after surgery is kind of a pain in the butt. But, that's what had to happen, because our new hot water heater wasn't installed until Sunday due to a seemingly endless number of problems encountered during installation. BTW - woman did not react well to the anesthesia or percoset and threw up a lot. She's feeling better now though.

And then Woman woke up on Monday to this:

A lot of water had somehow got trapped between the sub-flooring and hardwood floors. Nobody knows how it happened, but it obviously happened while the hot water heater was being installed. The floor boards were heaving from one end of the room to the other. Woman was a little frantic.

So Ian built a fire to bring down the humidity in the house, and we turned on the heater and space heater to try to soak up the water. The floors look better now, but they'll never be perfect. Many boards are still discolored, and heaved up on the edges and at the seams. The rug covers most of the damage, but I'm sure we'll need to replace the floorboards in this area at some point.
This week hasn't been so great for me either. We ran out of goodboy bones, and then Ian forgot to get new ones at the store. Thank pugness we had some left over from a batch Priscilla sent me for Christmas! They're candy coated!!

At 9:56 AM,
Salinger The Pug said…
Oh my Pugness, Norman! What a week!!!
We hope Woman is ok and her surgery was for nothing serious!!! Make sure you take care of her!
Happy Friday, Dude!
At 10:07 AM,
Pam said…
Wow, that WAS some week. Glad to hear that the floors didn't get too much damage but, still what an ordeal.
I hope woman's the surgery went okay and it wasn't anything too serious. I hope woman gets a much deserved rest this weekend.
At 10:59 AM,
Sandy said…
well...good thing a new is starting soon. I hate that that mess happened. I hope your Woman is getting better right quick because Ian can't be trusted to get your treats! We miss you down here...take the greyhound and we'll pick you up!
At 11:22 AM,
The Devil Dog said…
That certainly sounds like a rough week. We hope Woman is feeling better and the surgery was nothing serious. I think she may need lots of cuddles.
At 11:22 AM,
The Devil Dog said…
That certainly sounds like a rough week. We hope Woman is feeling better and the surgery was nothing serious. I think she may need lots of cuddles.
At 10:55 AM,
Smushie Ranch said…
Oh Norman, that does sound like a poopie week. Well, one way to look at... it can only get better from here!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
At 7:00 AM,
C.l.o.v.e.r. said…
Hi Norman,
That does sound like a rough week - sorry to hear about those bad things!
I am glad to hear that woman is feeling better now and hope she has a quick recovery.
Please pass on some puggy kisses to her from me.
At 12:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh your poor woman!! I hope she is finally feeling better! I guess it doesn't rain, it pours. wow.
Well that really sucks about the floor.. is really horrible? Or could you get away with calling it original and rustic?
mmm candy coated goodboy bones, sounds yummy!
At 11:15 AM,
Priscilla said…
They are nummie arnt they? My kids wont eat them without that candy on it. Bland.
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