Goodboy Norman Featherstone

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Did You Know ...

Back when Woman used to be a kid (Crazy, I know. I'm glad she outgrew that phase before meeting me), her mom would make pickled eggs every summer. She would put eggs, a can of beets with the beet juice and some vinegar in a "sun tea" jar and let it brew in the fridge for a couple days. The eggs would turn purple through to the yoke from the beet juice. Anyone else make pickled eggs like that?

Woman didn't care much for these eggs and liked the canned beets even less. She hadn't eaten a beet since then until one day on a crazy whim she had some fresh beets at Bouchon, a local French restaurant, and loved them. Last night the People tried to replicate the recipe and were pleased with the outcome. No, I didn't get any beets, but I hear they were tasty.

So, now onto the "did you know" part of the story. Did you know that if you pig out on beets and don't offer any to your faithful Pug, your pee and poop will be red the next morning? Woman didn't know either. But now she does. Be warned people.

Woman bought some beet seeds for the garden and is excited to grow her own. I'm excited too, because I do get veg from the garden. I will have me some beets! Not "beatens" though - those are totally different.


  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Page said…

    did you know i have NEVER tasted a beet?? my mom really hated them and no one really served them...they've got quite a reputation! rob's mom doesn't like them either and thinks they taste like, i've never had one. i'm really scared to have one now, too.

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger Goodboy Norman Featherstone said…

    LOL! Woman says they're yummy fresh. Kind of sweet and earthy. I guess that means they taste like dirt!

  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Sandy said…

    I've only had the kind in the can and I said "Never again." So I guess I better try them fresh. I know about those eggs in the jar and I never even wanted to see what that taste like. Remember when the little country stores had them on the counters?? I bet we'd some between Mobile and Asheville!

  • At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yuck I hate beets lol.

    I did not know that... there is another veggie that turns your poop another color but i can't remember what it is...

  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger Page said…

    Lex, I think eating a lot of asparagus can turn your pee green. Right??? Not sure about poo, though.

  • At 2:00 PM, Blogger kristie said…

    norman, i trust that you will let us know if YOUR pee also turns colors!

  • At 2:16 PM, Blogger Smushie Ranch said…

    Hey Norman, our mom loves beets. Specially on her salads. But her pottie never turned beet color. That's prolly good cause it'd freak her out!

    Stella, Gunther and Betty

  • At 11:26 AM, Blogger Jemima Jones Beck said…

    We did know that but only because mom makes pink pancakes (main ingredient = beets) and the first time that she made them there was a red pee and poo panick.

  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger Pam said…

    I've never tasted one either. My grandmother always canned them and for every meal she had a jar of them on the table. I was pretty picky when it came to food in my younger years and I just thought the purple color was weird. Fast forward to now and no one I know really eats them. I'd be willing to try one now though.

  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    alright - send me your beet recipe for a foodie friday post! I love beets, but Jeremy won't eat them. That's OK - I get them in our CSA and eat them all for myself anyways (more red pee for me!)


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